Field Exam Level 2
Field Exam Level Two is an advanced level course targeted at senior Field Examiners and Managers who have been performing field exams for more than 5 years, to allow them to do better macro analysis of existing relationships and assist in the underwriting of prospective borrowers.
The course revisits the review of pledged collateral performance metrics, focusing on vertical and horizontal analyses over comparable periods. The course also focuses on the borrower's liquidity and the role the pledged assets provide in the process and seeks to eliminate those "non-performing assets" in the equation.
Finally, the Advanced course focuses on Quality of Assets and Earnings to provide an honest assessment of the borrower's liquidity. The course will teach how to create availability projections along with in-depth break even sales analyses, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA") and debt service coverage ratios ("DESCR") to determine where a borrower stands financially, and its possibility of continued success or failure.
We strongly recommend completing Field Exam Level One before attending this course.
See below for more information and contact Denise Castagna at with any questions.
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SFNet Professional Development
Knowledge to advance your organization and career

Gain a thorough understanding of the secured finance ecosystem.
See our course descriptions