3rd Annual SFNet Cross-Border Finance Essay Contest

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SFNet is pleased to announce the third annual SFNet Cross-Border Finance Essay Contest. 



The contest is open to employees of SFNet member companies. Entry is free and all submissions must be received by June 25, 2024.
Essays must be no more than 3,000 words (there is no minimum) on any topic dealing with Cross-Border Finance, which is defined broadly to include asset-based lending, factoring, receivables purchases, supply chain finance and other forms of cross-border trade finance. A sample topic might be describing a unique or innovative cross-border deal structure and how it was developed and implemented. Other topics might be specific cross-border legal or business issues, regulation of international finance, legal developments that affect cross-border secured finance, deal trends, or an historical look at how cross-border finance has contributed to world developments. 
Essays will be judged on content, originality, clarity, structure and overall contribution to furthering and expanding understanding within the field of cross-border finance. Essays will be judged by the members of the SFNet International Finance and Development Committee.


Please send your submission in a PDF format, including your name, title, company and email address to: essay@sfnet.com


Three winning essays will be chosen – 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. All three winning essays will be published in The Secured Lender magazine, and the authors of all three essays will be invited to participate as panelists in a panel discussion at this year's SFNet Annual Convention. Winners will also receive engraved plaques to commemorate their awards.