ABL Underwriting Level 2

Learn from case studies of real deals gone wrong. ABL Underwriting Level 2 offers participants several “real world” scenarios, what happens when best practices aren’t maintained, and what lenders could have done differently.

The cases in ABL Underwriting Level 2 explore:

  • Examples of problematic credit facilities and how they went wrong;
  • The assumptions at the beginning of the deal;
  • Over-looked due diligence items; and,
  • The evolvement of a deal through loan work-out, which resulted in losses for the lender and stakeholders.

Participants will take away invaluable lessons learned to make better credit decisions in the future.

This is an advanced level program that is heavy on interaction and participation. It is geared toward participants with 2+ years of experience in risk or collateral management. We strongly recommend completing ABL Underwriting Level 1 before participating in this curriculum.

For more information, please contact Denise Castagna at dcastagna@sfnet.com with any questions.

  • sfnet-educationicon-(1)ef1ea855e39c41c08cca9373ec18a909 2024 Summer ABL Underwriting Level 2
    August 20 to 22, 2024
    Our Underwriting Level 2 curriculum offers a real-world look into multiple borrower relationships that ended in losses through multiple interactive case studies.



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